Who We Are
Brian Wheeler

Miss Ana

Hello, y'all! My name's Anavay. I'm a child of Elohim, a soldier of Yahweh, and an Army reservist, writer, and mum. I enjoy doing anything that glorifies YAHWEH, especially when it comes to helping those in need.
My spiritual beliefs are rooted in the Bible and personal convictions from Yahweh; not religion, or the teachings and traditions of man. If one asks or if Holy Spirit convicts me I'll gladly share my faith with others but I'm not the type of person to bash the Bible over their head or force my beliefs on others.
I was borne and raised on the West Coast but have lived all over, following the Spirit of Yahweh and where I feel convicted to go.
Life is meant to be enjoyed so naturally, I love all things nature, fitness-related activities, fellowship, learning new things, and engaging in new experiences.
A fun fact about me would be that I have an identical twin sis which is an amazing blessing to have in my life that I cherish.
I do what I can to help spread the mission and work of Rising Up Ministries wherever the LORD calls me to. I am also a mum to three beautiful daughters who, like me, are artistic and outside-of-the-box free thinkers. It's a joy to share this journey with them and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next months and days will look like.
Mrs. Wheeler

Greetings everyone! I am Gia, the wife of Brian and twin sis of Ana. My heart and passion are helping people through the hard times and introducing Yahweh to them with a loving and Biblical approach.
Like my twin sis, my spiritual beliefs are rooted in the Bible only and all praise to Yahweh, I live my life based on how I feel convicted to live through Yahshua Messiah who is my Light and my Shield.
Even though I grew up on the West Coast with Anavay, we weren't as close as we could have been but after we gave our lives to Yahshua in May 2018 we've been inseparable.
I am a stay-at-home wife and mum to three beautiful children (one biological and two bonus children). I enjoy gardening, canning, cooking for my church family, baking, studying the Bible, and painting.
Hi everyone, I'm Brian Wheeler, co-founder and lead pastor at Rising Up Ministries, as well as Lead Pastor and Music Director at Kenmore Baptist Church in Kenmore, New York. Operation Tivkah is an exciting new chapter in my ministry journey that I look forward to starting. I encourage you to all please, check us out on our social media platforms for our latest updates.