
"...Elohim is our refuge and strength, very much found to be a help in distress."
Psalms 46:1
Hope for Veterans
When Gia, Brian, and myself (Ana) were piecing together our ideas for this healing retreat and sharing our visions of whom we are going to help we naturally said that we wanted to help all walks of life, but we also understood that the challenge would be great so we narrowed down who our recipients will be and military veterans were at the top of the list.
My experience with providing emotional support for veterans goes years back. It seems as though Yahweh had placed those veterans in my life at a time when they needed me the most. As much as I tried to be there for them and to help them with their mental health challenges that were a result of being in combat, I realised that they needed something more than just emotional support. They needed a sense of community and genuine help that covered various aspects of their trauma. Through their stories, I had a better understanding of what the military was about and the little bit of support that these veterans receive when they come back home. I've also been to various V.A. hospitals and was not impressed with the "care" I saw being given to the veterans. The ways that they failed my veteran friends are disheartening.
While I'm no expert to talk on the matter, I will share with you what I do know, what we, at Rising Up Ministries understand when it comes to the care & support of U.S. veterans and how we aim to help. Like with a lot of "treatment" options for people who are suffering from P.T.S.D., anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and other mental health conditions, it's a convenience for medical professionals to prescribe medications and push them off on therapists; some of whom lack genuine empathy & a real understanding of what the veteran is actually going through.
Many veterans die while waiting to receive care and countless others become homeless. More than 1/3 of homeless individuals across the country are veterans- between 529,000 and 840,000, depending on the time of year, according to the National Coalition of Homeless Veterans (Rolling Stone Magazine).
Through the vision Yahweh has given us, we are wanting to provide a "house of healing" for our veterans who bravely & unselfishly did what they were commanded to do, under the belief that they were fighting for our country. These brave men & women are not monsters but brave soldiers who deserve a lot more dignity and respect than what they are receiving. This "house of healing" will be made of a family of believers who understand that there are people in need and it is our obligation to help these people who are crying out for help.
For the needy will never cease from the midst of the land. On account of this, I command you, saying, opening you shall open your hand to your poor and needy brother in your land. (Deuteronomy 15:11)
Be a Support Buddy
House Staff
Ways to Help
If you are a military veteran who has a love for Yahshua (Jesus), has gone through the hard work to get to where you are at now which is a place of healing, enjoy helping others in need and would like to live on-site full-time and become part of the family, these are the skills and services we are looking for:
Carpentry, Electrical and/or Blueprint Design
We are looking for some of the
support buddies that apply to have skills in either of these three categories, in addition to having skills in home security setups.
We are looking for two support buddies who will live in the main house (male or female) & four more in the two additional lodges (2 male & 2 female).
If you have a tiny house, yurt or alternative accommodation that you would like to establish on the ranch and would like to be apart of our family and share your skills with us and/or be a support buddy please feel free to submit a video with your interest. We are open to husband/wife teams (at least one person must be a veteran) and children and pets will be considered for those inquiring for positions that don't require accommodations in the main house.
The role of the support buddy will be to help our veterans understand & cope with their trauma, teach them coping mechanisms with a spiritually-based approach & other support services that will help aid in their healing & recovery.
The support buddies' role who will be living in the main house & the lodges will also help provide security all-around and being physically fit is highly recommended due to the nature of this position (for the main house support buddies and those in lodges).
If you have skills in cooking,
cleaning, childcare, art or playing
an instrument and want to be
apart of a loving family where
you'll feel appreciated this job is
for you. Of course, we are open to other skills that you may have as
well, that could benefit the well-
being of the extended family who comes
Please understand that we are in the planning stages right now and have yet to acquire the land and necessary funds to work on the projects needed to get this healing retreat started. We are taking inquiries now due to the importance of getting to know who will be living and working with us and the vetting process that will need to take place. It is our hope that we can obtain the land by 2024 and start our building within that same year.
Because we will be operating this healing retreat as a non-profit organisation we will not be charging our extended family who comes for healing which means that we will only be able to provide you and our other volunteers with food, housing, basic essentials, shared vehicle if needed, and an allowance. All of the money that is donated for this healing retreat will go into the healing retreat and will not be pocketed by anyone from Rising Up Ministries.
If you are interested in any of the positions listed above please submit a video introducing yourself with the following information. If you fail to submit any of the required information listed below chances are we may not respond. The safety and privacy of our guests and keeping the location of where we will be living private are highly important to make this healing retreat work. While some of these questions may seem a little silly, they are meant to help us understand a little bit about who you are and whether or not you'll be the right fit for our ministry.
First & last name
Your age
Where do you currently reside?
What role are you interested in?
Tell us a little bit about you, where you grew up, your background, etc.
Do you have a service animal or any other kind of animal?
How did you hear about our ministry and/or our operation?
What branch of the military did you serve in, your MOS & the amount of time you served?
What you currently do for employment
How long you have been a believer & a little bit of a testimony of how you came to Yahweh (God)
Whether or not you have been to jail/prison (not a deal-breaker if you have but please explain why you were incarcerated if applicable)
Your current marital status and how many children you have, if any
What special skills you may have (creating security setups of various kinds, survival, carpentry, electrical, animal care, writing, etc.) and talents (singing, playing a musical instrument/what kind, woodworking, ironwork, Bible teaching, yodler, etc.)
Do you have any physical disabilities?
What do you do to keep healthy?
Mental health conditions (not a deal-breaker but we need to know what they are and how you cope with them)
Current medication if any, to include medical marijuana
Are you a smoker?
Do you take any illegal substances?
Do you drink alcohol and if so, how often?
Ways you could help (we appreciate any feedback and/or additional ideas of how to make this retreat work and additional ways you can be of service)
Would you consider yourself a free-thinker and if so, what does this mean to you and how do you apply it to your life?
Are you a part of a religious denomination and if so, which one?
Do you believe man went to the moon? (please explain)
Do you think there are flaws in our system; if so, please share what you believe they are
Why do you want to be a part of our healing retreat
Do you have any self-defense training/skills (TKD, kickboxing, MMA, etc.)?
Do you own any firearms?